RUCT Mileage Club
Mileage tracking instructions
Mileage tracking instructions
We have Mileage club shirts available for free when members achieve a milestone number of training miles.
- Follow all membership steps to become a member of the club.
- Make a copy of the Workout Log template and save it for yourself.
- To log your mileage, go to and log in. Go to "Training" and "Training Log."
- To get your cycling and running miles, click "Ride" or "Run" at the top of the Strava Training Log. Here you will see a weekly total on the left that you can just type into the Excel sheet. To get your swimming miles, you have to go to "Multi-sport" and hover over the blue bubbles individually, then add those up yourself.
- When you've reached a milestone, request your mileage club T-shirt below. You will hopefully receive it at the next club meeting, though we occasionally run out of certain sizes and there may be a delay for ordering.
- 1 mile = 1 mile regardless of which sport you are logging
- Commuting miles count. Treadmill, stationary bike, and trainer workouts also count. Walking the dog or other casual walking does not count.
- Alumni can continue to log miles and earn shirts after they graduate at a cost of $20 per shirt.
- You can only get one shirt at a time. If you are eligible for two new shirts at the same meeting, you will only get the higher of the two mileage shirts.